2 phase change

To change the huge amount of energy users to solar energy, a energy would be ideal having also today a good infrastructure. This applies to electric power. Strom comes out of the plug, and the consumer can not distinguish, is on the other side of the plug a water power plant, atomic power plant, a dirty lignit power plant, a wind power plnat or photovoltaic (conversion of light to electric power). Electric power gives the possibility of the 2 phase change. Where ever it's usefull, change first to electric power. After this, take care that on the other side of the plut is a energy generation by solar energy. Usefull is the change to electric power everywhere when the use of primary energy at the electric power generation is reduced even at the electric power generation in a caloric power plant. But how is it with the possibility to get electric power by the sun?

  Naive solar games

Let's assume we produce 34.000 kWh per person usage of end energy by photovoltaic. 100 kWh per squaremeter and year with current technic. For 1m² photovoltaic is 2m² ground required. 680m² area per person. In a dense inhabited contintent like Europe with less than 7000m² per inhabitant a foolish idea. In additon, there is in the winter much more energy consume for heating in the winter, but in the summer is more solar energy.

  Saving required

We have to leave the soon ending reserve energy. For this is a thought out solution required. What is to see from this first number game, without power savings is it not possible with solar energy. But saving energy has nothing to do with less comfort. Ask an inhabitand of the earlier Democratic People's Republic DDR, who has changed from a gasoline wasting Trabi to an economical wetern Diesel.


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