Justification 2040: Climate catastrophe
Why did you do nothing against green house effect? You should have known, that this would have bad consequences!  

Justification 2040: Climate catastrophe

Why did you do nothing against green house effect? You should have known, that this would have bad consequences!

Child, You have no idea, what this was for a time!

The oil price was so low...


Environment situation: measures of politics Environment situation: measures of politics
We know the climate will change by the green house gases. We know we should produce much less CO2. We can estimate when the oil and gas will be exhausted.

Egg dance of politics Egg dance of politics
When they come with 200km/h speed to a traffic jam, they brake like there would be a raw egg between foot and brake.

Justification 1990: Hitler Justification 1990: Hitler
Why did you do nothing against Hitler? You should have known, that this would have bad consequences!

2 phase change
To change the huge amount of energy users to solar energy, a energy would be ideal having also today a good infrastructure.