Energy model 2040For this model, Germany is taken as biggest challenge. Germany is a dens inhabited industrial country which starts only 47 degree northern latitude.According to previous thoughts needs solar energy much place and a thrifty population. Germany offers as a crass opposit few place, few sun and a population used to have a high living standard.
900 TWh per year 30 million full equipped inhabited solar power plants of the GEMINI class. From this are 20 million units main place from residence of 60 million people. The remaining 10 million units are solar power plants on second homes, fabrics and public buildings.
40 TWh per year This sort of energy has for luck no deciding role, because a prognosis is difficult. Different climate models calculate with more or less rainfall. So 25 TWh national production and 15 TWh import from Austria and Switzerland is assumed. When Austria and Switzerland uses solar energy similar intensive, a significant quantity of water power be exported.
40 TWh per year The only temporally not controllable energy source, which delivers in winter more nergy than in summer. On windy islands can be sun and wind combined to a seasonal equal energy delivery. At a country with much few wind areas is the wind power much less. |