Develkopment aid

What is the target of develkopment aid? A worldwide disater, because the poor countries need suddenly as much energy as the rich industrial countries?

  Develkopment aid
What is the target of develkopment aid? A worldwide disater, because the poor countries need suddenly as much energy as the rich industrial countries?

This question is necessary, because we have nothing to offer for a long time survivial. All what we show is how to use up in some decades all reserve energy, to have a nice time. Without planning, we started an adventure like some playing children coming in big danger. We are really great examples.

Only when we have a technic, where all mankind can durably survive with our living standard will development aid be honest and successfull.

Children are playing suddenly on a street with dense traffic. Is our civilization better planned?


GNP in US$ population growth in percent per year GNP in US$ population growth in percent per year
Between population grwoth and GNP is a direct connection. While some industrial countries tries to balance the decrease of population by immigrants,